Organized Nonsense Member Bios:

Zed Q. Fonzo aka. Aaron Kretzmann, nickname - Mouse Man
Yo Yo, I'm Zed Fonzo (not to be confused with the guy you dont know), My mom and dad never gave me a middle name, just Q. I play drums here on earth. I'm an escapee from a mental hospital, and David and I are both cousins on Zygorion. I am 14 Earth years old.

Favorite Quote: "NEVER SHAKE A BABY."

Valleth Voostenwalbert K'Xanth Schimmelpinick, aka. Dave Matthews -
Hi, I'm Dave Matthews (not to be confused with the famous guy), and I'm the bassist and webmaster for Organized Nonsense. Aaron and I are cousins from Zygorion, and I am 523 Earth years old. Translating a name from Zygorian to English is like translating from Chinese; there is no one "right way." My name could be Valleth K'Xanth or Voostenwalbert Shimmelpinick, depending on how it's translated.

Favorite Quote: "Whoobajeebus."

James Niebauer -
Hi, I'm the lead guitarist from the other side of Zygorion. I'm -627 Earth years old.


Taylor Barkley -
I'm the chord guitaist from the planet next door, and I'm -726 earth years old.